
Policies available to download:

All policies below are available in printed form by request from the school office free of charge 

Policy Title Date of next  Formal Review  Download Link 
Accessibility Plan and Policy June  2025 Click to Download
Admission Policy June 2025 Click to Download
Anti-Bullying Policy June 2025 Click to Download
Attendance Policy September 2024 Click to Download
Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Principles

September 2024

September 2024

Click to Download

Click to Download

Parent, Carer and Visitor Behaviour Policy April 2025 Click to Download
Calculations Policy (Maths) July 2025 Click to Download
Charging and Remissions Policy

Nursery Fees Policy

July 2025

July 2025

Click to Download

Click to Download

Staff Code of Conduct September 2024 Click to Download
Complaints Procedure Policy June 2025 Click to Download
Managing serial and unreasonable complaints June 2025 Click to Download
Social media, Internet and Email Policy May 2025 Click to download
Equality Information and Objectives Policy March 2026 Click to Download
EYFS May 2025 Click to Download
Freedom of Information Policy
and Publication scheme
February 2025 Click to Download
GDPR Policy


Third Party Supplier List

January 2025


November 2024

Click to Download


Click to Download

ICO Certificate December 2024 Click to Download
GDPR Privacy Notices March 2024: General review March 2025 Click to Download
Workforce review March 2025 Click to Download
Health and Safety Policy January 2025 Click to Download
Prevent Policy February 2025 Click to Download
ICT Code of Conduct October 2024 Click to Download
Online Safety Policy October 2024 Click to Download
Relationships Education, Sex Education
and Health Education (RHE) Policy
March 2025 Click to Download
School Uniform May 2025 Click to Download
Safeguarding Policy July 2025 Click to Download
Special Educational Needs Policy (SEN) February 2025 Click to Download
Recruitment and Selection Policy

Recruitment of ex-offenders policy

February 2025


February 2025

Click to Download


Click to Download

Teaching and Learning Policy May 2025 Click to Download
Whistleblowing Policy September 2025 Click to Download
Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT