
By law, children must start statutory education full-time at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.

Families decide which schools they prefer their child/children attend by filling in an application form available online from the Local Authority website. They can state up to three preferences and all forms must be sent direct to the Local Authority. The Local Authority co-ordinates the process and the process is completed by 31st December of the year prior to admission. West Earlham Infant and Nursery School follow Norfolk County Council’s admission policy. All admissions to the school are handled by Norfolk County Council and further details can be found on their website:-Norfolk County Council Admissions

The Local Authority will tell families if your child has a place at your preferred school in a letter sent out towards the end of April, or by email if you applied on-line.

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, we will give preference to children living nearest to the school, according to the following rules in this order of priority:

  • have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)  naming that school;
  • are in public care or have been adopted;
  • live in the area served by the school and have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission;
  • live in the area served by the school and have a brother or sister attending the feeder junior school;
  • have a disability and live in the area served by the school (appropriate professional evidence will be required to confirm the disability);
  • live in the area served by the school;
  • have been allocated a permanent place at a Specialist Resource Base attached to the school. (Places allocated by Norfolk County Council’s Placement Panel);
  • live outside the area served by the school and have a brother or sister with a Statement of Special Educational Needs attending the school at the time of their admission;
  • live outside the area served by the school and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission;
  • live outside the area served by the school and have a brother or sister attending the feeder junior school;
  • have a disability and live outside the area served by the school (appropriate professional evidence will be required to confirm the disability)
  • children of staff
    • a) where a member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made and/or
    • b) the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage
  • live outside the area served by the school

We welcome visits, by appointment, to our school prior to making your decision about which is the right school for your child.

We also have a 104 place Sessional Nursery Provision including sessional provision for 2- 4 year olds. As part of this provision we offer both funded and paying spaces for families. Families are able to place their children on our waiting list from birth, and provision is offered based on date of birth and not time of entry to waiting list. In the event of being oversubscribed provision will be offered firstly to families within our school catchment area.

Admissions Policy June 2023 (to be reviewed June 2024)

Further information

Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT