School Improvement & Development

Welcome from Head Teacher:

We think it is important that our school community helps us to improve. We are open and transparent about the work we do, including what we are really good at but also the things we try and improve on.

We think your views are important and want to hear them. If you’d like to comment on our improving school please:

  • Ask to speak to a school leader
  • Post on our Facebook page titled ‘our improving school’
  • Bring your ideas to school and hand them into the office. Please mark it ‘our improving school’
  • Share your ideas with your class rep for them to bring along to the next meeting.

If you have ideas as to how you can get more involved with improving our school we would really love to hear from you, please ask to speak to me. 

Jade Hunter - Head Teacher

School Improvement and Development plan 2023 - 2024  

Priority How will this be achieved? Intended Impact
PRIORITY 1 - To continue to ensure that every child in school/nursery, receives the appropriate level of support to develop age appropriate SLC skills necessary for learning. ●      Use of Word Aware to teach new vocabulary to children in EYFS.

●      Use of ‘Walking the talk’ approach to teach new vocab in key stage one.

●      Using books to deliver therapy.

●      Coaching parents to support their child’s speech and language needs at home.

●      Continue with ‘Talk about pictures’.

●      Ensure parents know how to make contact with the Speech and language team in school.

For all children to make good progress and have age expected language by the end of year two.
PRIORITY  2 - All children, including the weakest readers, make sufficient progress to meet or exceed age related expectations. LB ●      Daily Read Write Inc lesson for all children in school matched to their current stage of development.

●      Daily reading opportunity for all children within the RWI session.

●      Daily intervention for children who are not making expected progress.

●      Additional reading opportunities for children who are not making expected progress.

●      Weekly links of RWI videos sent to parents/carers to support their child’s learning.

●      To receive strategies and support to improve children's reading through the Wensum reading hub.

For all children to make expected progress at each assessment point across the school year.


Children are confident in their use of phonics when reading and writing.


PRIORITY 3  - To improve outcomes for all children in writing by embedding T4W approach (over 2 /3 years)  LB ●      To continue to embed the Talk 4 Writing approach to teaching writing.

●      To utilise the advice of the consultants following their visits to school.

●      All children have daily writing opportunities in school.

●      All staff to attend termly moderation of writing.

For all children to make progress in their writing across the school year.


For all children to have a strong toolkit for writing e.g. range of vocabulary, confident story building, retelling stories in EYFS and for children to understand punctuation appropriate to their age and stage of development.

PRIORITY 4 - To embed the Maths Mastery approach across the school to ensure all children have the foundational knowledge needed to understand more advanced concepts. (over 2 /3 years)TyM ●      To continue to embed the maths mastery approach across the school.

●      For all staff to be consistent in their teaching of maths mastery approach.

●      Maths explicitly taught daily.

●      Regular intervention for children who are not making expected progress.

To ensure all children are making expected progress across the school year.

For an increasing number of children to achieve expected standard/GLD in Maths in reception.

PRIORITY 5  To introduce Zones of Regulation across the school to improve emotional literacy, self regulation and ensure further consistency in supporting SEMH in school. CH & MM ●      For children to recognise and understand a range of emotions.

●      For children to develop their skills in managing their own emotions.

●      For staff across the school to use  a consistent approach in talking about emotions and providing tools children can use to support themselves.

For all children to be able to confidently identify which emotion they are feeling and how they can help themselves and others when needed.

For staff to see progress in the child’s emotional literacy and self regulation through the Boxall profile.



Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT